Friday, December 22, 2006

Print Yesterday's Date Using Perl

Quick tip for working with Unix scripts that need yesterday's date. If you have Perl, try this:

perl -e '@y=localtime(time()-86400);printf "%04d%02d%02d",$y[5]+1900,$y[4]+1,$y[3];'

should print to stdout the date in the yyyymmdd format. Much simpler than writing an entire function in a script and messing around with 1st of the month, leap years, and possibly dates beyond 2037 (check Perl documentation).


The UNIX Forums - get yesterday in yyyymmdd format

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Released

Mozilla Firefox (FF) has been released on December 19 2006. The second release from 2.0 has 8 general bug fixes and many new features.

Always use protection. Firefox.

Among the fixes, the five critical ones are:
Click on each of them to view details.

New stuff I haven't seen before are:

Live Titles - Allows you to create bookmarks with microsummaries on the bookmark labels that can be regularly updated, as opposed to a static label. Web site owners can quickly put bits of updates on their site <title> tag without having to implement a RSS feed.

JavaScript 1.7 - New scripting language version includes support for generators, iterators, array comprehensions, let expressions, and destructuring assignment. More ways to complicate browsers and confuse visitors :P

Client-side session and persistent storage - Online transactions that make use of client-side storage for document and mailbox management can now store large structured data. Useful for websites like Google Docs and Spreadsheets and online banking sites.

New Windows installer - Uses the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, which is neat and stable. You may have probably seen it used in Winamp.

Personally, FF has been very stable for me. Although I have more than 10 tabs and 10 extensions installed, it has crashed no more than a few times since I started using it.

Click on the download link below to get this release.

Update (21 Dec 2006): If you are still on 1.5.0.x like me, you should get the update to FF which contains the almost the same set of bug fixes as FF The download should be about 510KB.

Related posts:

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Released

Mozilla Firefox 2 Web Browser Released

Firefox Into The Sky!


Mozilla Firefox Release Notes

Download Firefox

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 Template Tip Part 2: Render Previous Post Links

Enhancing on the previous session of template goodies, I've finetuned the behaviour of the "Previous Post/Month" link at the bottom of three types of blog pages. The common tip that other bloggers use to display the previous post's link will not work well in the individual post pages, thus the need to enhance using JavaScript here. They are:
  1. MainPage - display link to the n + 1 page, where n is the number of posts to display per page
  2. ItemPage - display link to the previous post
  3. ArchivePage - display select combobox with all months of posts
You may want to read up on the previous session first before proceeding below.

Place this (updated) JavaScript code anywhere in between your template's <head> tag. Same thing, adjust nMaxPostsOnMainPage to the number of posts that you have set to display.

<script type="text/javascript">
// This JavaScript code created by Teng-Yan Loke
// Date: 12 Dec 2006 2349hrs
// Website:
// E-mail:
var nMaxPostsOnMainPage = 2;
var nItemTitleTruncateLength = 50;
var aPosts = new Array(nMaxPostsOnMainPage + 1);
var n = 0;
var sItemTitle;
sItemTitle = String("<$BlogPreviousItemTitle$>").substring(0, nItemTitleTruncateLength);
aPosts[n] = "<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>|" + sItemTitle; n = n + 1;</BloggerPreviousItems>
function writePrevPostOnMainPage()
var sTmp;

sTmp = aPosts[nMaxPostsOnMainPage].split("|");
if (sTmp[1].length == nItemTitleTruncateLength) sTmp[1] = sTmp[1] + "...";
document.write("<a href=\"" + sTmp[0] + "\" target=\"_top\">" + sTmp[1] + "</a>");

function writePrevPostOnItemPage()
var sTmp;
var sItemTitle;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;

sItemTitle = String("<ItemPage><Blogger><$BlogItemTitle$></Blogger></ItemPage>").substring(0, nItemTitleTruncateLength);
do {
sTmp = aPosts[i].split("|");
if (sTmp[1] == sItemTitle)
j = 1;
} while (j == 0);
sTmp = aPosts[i].split("|");
if (sTmp[1].length == nItemTitleTruncateLength) sTmp[1] = sTmp[1] + "...";
document.write("<a href=\"" + sTmp[0] + "\" target=\"_top\">" + sTmp[1] + "</a>");

Main Page

Use the JavaScript function writePrevPostOnMainPage() as before, on the main page. You can use something like:

<MainPage><div style="">Previous post: <script type="text/javascript">writePrevPostOnMainPage();</script></div></MainPage>

Item Page

For individual posts, use the following code. You can place this just next to the preceding code of the <MainPage> tags.

<ItemPage><p>Previous post: <script type="text/javascript">writePrevPostOnItemPage();</script></p></ItemPage>

Archive Page

This last part may be no surprise to some of you as you may have seen a variant of this elsewhere. Place this code next to the preceding code:

<ArchivePage><p><a href="<$BlogURL$>" target="_top">Back to Home</a> |
Other Months: <form name="previouspostform"><select name="previouspostselect" size="1">
<option>click here</option>
<option onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<$BlogArchiveURL$>';"><$BlogArchiveName$></option>

Same your template, publish, and test these goodies out!

If you try all these code, please let me know how it goes for you. Leave comments here...

Related posts: Template Tip: Render Previous Post Link At Bottom Of Main Page

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Google Finance Website Revamped

Google has changed its finance news and charting website, Google Finance.

Google Finance Screenshot

The new layout much cleaner and presentable as the page is divided into three columns. Recent quotes, stored using browser cookies, has been moved from the top right corner to the lower left corner. General news and corporate news of the recent quotes are featured in the center column. Most links on the page will bring you to a different page, except the top movers on the lower right.

However, the individual stock pages have not changed. :|

Overall looks pretty, but I have a few suggestions:
  • Dynamically refresh each section using individual settings (they do change now, which is really cool)
  • Display summary or beginning of news articles when mouseover links
  • Background colour-code recent quotes with their related news
  • Include stock historical prices and options
Maybe I should feedback these pointers to the Google Finance team? Although the traffic to this site is a fraction of that to Yahoo! Finance, I'm staying here because there are no fancy advertisements (full of offers that hardly benefit most of us but only the advertiser).

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cell Therapeutics to Submit New XYOTAX Drug Trial to FDA

Cell Therapeutics announced on Friday that it will close a XYOTAX drug trial, known as PIONEER, to submit a new trial protocol to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The new protocol will be known as PGT306 and will be submitted to the FDA by year's end.

Because of the particularly low death rate among women patients during the trial, CTIC wants to focus its research on women with normal estogen levels. CEO Dr. James Bianco hopes that this group will be able to increase its uptake and metabolism of the chemotherapeutic drug because of estrogen.

Shares of CTIC dipped 2.2% to $1.86 on 8 December 2006.

Share chart of CTIC

Related posts:

Cell Therapeutics To Suspend Enrollment for PIONEER Drug Trial

Cell Therapeutics Signs Deal With Norvatis

Cell Therapeutics Up After Positive Xyotax Phase 1 Results

Cell Therapeutics Signs Financing Agreement

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Five Tips To Be Financially Independent

1. Limit or reduce the number and amount of loans. Banks and financing companies live on interests charged on loans that people take up. Credit card loans are the top killers, as they typically charge double-digit rates per day, so don't owe the banks such money! Other loans include cars, consumer goods, and cash. Interest-free loans are quite harmless, but you may be penalized if you fail to pay or pay less than the installment amount. Likewise, property loans are not necessary evil. There are loans which are healthy to have, such as borrowing money to invest with calculated risk.

2. Keep track of your expenses. Use spreadsheets and record every expense you incur day to day. For each expense, write down the date, description, and amount. At the end of each month, compare the total expense amount with your income streams, such as salary. You can also categorize the expenses, such as credit card repayment, food and beverage, travel, and luxuries/"wants". Draw up charts to help you understand your spending patterns easily. By having such data and charts, you can decide how and where to control your spending habits to better motivate yourself to (a) increase the amount of cash to save or invest (b) think of ways to increase the number of income streams. I have an Excel spreadsheet which is pretty good for such a purpose. Contact me if you want a copy.

Time is money.3. Increase the number of income streams. An important mantra of many rich gurus like Robert Kiyosaki and Spencer Johnson. Streams such as salary, rent, dividends and investment returns are some examples. Why is this important? Well, look at the opposite. Most of us have lots of expenses; expenses coming from your basic necessities, loans, bills, family commitments and so on. Compare this with the number of income streams you have, isn't it very unbalanced? Think of the problems that will arise if and when you happen to lose that stream of income. Reduce that risk by thinking of ways to increase income streams. Getting another job is one way, but not a very wise one. Try owning properties and collecting rent from them. Invest in a business venture or the stock market.

4. Carefully choose the form that your assets are stored in. Do you keep a lot of cash in a savings account? Or do you have it in gold, stocks, mutual funds, or under your bed? Where and for how long you maintain your assets will determine how much you are potentially growing or at the least avoid being eaten by the inflation rate. Inflation makes your spending power and the value of cash and other assets depreciate over time. Don't be caught by surprise when you realize that your $10,000 in the bank is worth $1,000 in 15 years' time. Study and plan where the cash should be stored, or invested in.

5. Give it away! Not all expenses are bad ideas and be avoided at all costs (no pun intended). A good habit to have is to ask yourself whenever you are about to spend: is my money leaving my pocket with the possibility of returning later, and maybe even more than before? Identify ways and chances when you can actually spend money to get more in the future. It could be buying some antique collection, or buying a piece of land. It could be paying for a nice car, but actually selling it at a higher price the next day. Lastly, believe in the mantra of good karma: giving your money and assets to needy people or to your religious authority will reward your kind deeds. Give freely even if there will be no returns. Feeling happy about it is already a good thing!

This is not a list to help you to get rich. The purpose is to be financially independent or financially free, meaning you don't have to depend on money as much as before or not at all. If you do happen to lose some or all of your assets, you won't be very worried about the loss and you would know exactly how and when to make it up.

When you are financially independent, you take out one big worry in life and have more of one of the most important resources in life: time. Time is precious and most of us have less than one hundred birthdays to celebrate.

Think about that.


bloggingstocks - Your first $10,000: Getting Started

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Secure and Convenient Keyless Door Locks

Most of us who have locked doors to open at home or at the office know the hassles of using keys to lock and unlock them. In no particular order:
  • Losing the key meant having to replace the lock and all copies of the key
  • Scratches and dents on the door around the lock
  • Fumbling, searching, sorting, selecting the right key while running the risk of getting mugged in front of the door
  • Ensuring that you are holding the key before you close a door which automatically locks
  • Keeping keys in a pouch, wallet, purse, or pocket, causing wear
Instead of messing with keys, try using something that only you own and can never lose: fingerprints! BrickHouse Electronics has a quality range of keyless door locks which use the uniqueness and convenience of your fingerprint to gain access.

BrickHouse Electronics Fingerprint Door LockFingerprints are tested to be very unique as there is only a chance of false acceptance of a fingerprint in tens of millions of fingerprints. It is obviously more convenient to use as you have it with you all the time. Other family members or staff can also train their own fingerprints into the locks, so there is no need to share fingerprints (which is not possible anyway).

For the above peeves of using keys, I would buy and use one of these locks in the future. Residential crime is prevalent in Malaysia and having one of these devices can save the time spent opening doors and getting in safely. I don't have to duplicate keys for others anymore, so there is no risk of the key smith copying your key unscrupulously.

One disadvantage of fingerprint door locks would be in the event of power loss. BrickHouse locks use batteries, which the lock will remind you to change when they are low on power. You have to be vigilant in changing batteries about every year. Fortunately, even if the batteries are flat and the fingerprint sensor does not work, you can still use a mechanical key to unlock - very clever!

The last thing to consider is the price. These locks cost about five times more than key locks, but I think they are worth the convenience, enhanced security and cool factor. Imagine, no keys clinging, no need for bright lights at the doorway, and silent and smooth access into your home or office!


BrickHouse Electronics Biometric Door Locks

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Run Amok For The New Economic Policy

Veteran writer, Lim Kit Siang, is imploring the Malaysian Parliament to debate on the recent behaviour of several UMNO party members involving waving the Malay keris and "incendiary speeches".

The UMNO Youth leader Datuk Seri Hishammuddin waved the keris in the UMNO assembly this year just like he did last year, seemingly to reinforce the Malay race supremacy. One assembly delegate said that "UMNO was willing to risk lives and bathe in blood" while another warned that Malays could run "amok", if the country's Malay rights are challenged further. One commentator to Lim's website quoted an interesting definition of the term "amok".

According to the New Straits Times, Ledang Youth chief Mohamed Zan Abu said "we should defend it (Malay rights) to the last drop of out blood". Youth information chief Datuk Azimi Daim warned "when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins".

Consider such statements that were made in the congregation of the nation's leaders while Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Datuk Seri Najib Razak warned during the opening night of discussions that irresponsible parties should halt inciting racial sentiments. Many Malaysians must be wondering if the UMNO Youth members were having tea break when the DPM spoke.

The National Economic Policy (NEP), formed many years ago, was designed to protect the interests of the Malays, and has been the focus of many recent debates within and outside of the Government. Malaysiakini, an online authority on national issues of Malaysia, has a good article interviewing Anwar Ibrahim, member of the opposition party, and his views of the NEP which is so fiercely defended by the current ruling party.

Lim warns that this recent "irresponsible, provocative and seditious" speeches at the assembly pose a dangerous setback to national unity and nation-building, scaring foreign investment away and generally damage the confidence of the general Malaysian public.

Thirty years of nurturing a growing and progressive economy are in a threat of losing its efforts if such behaviour of the country's leaders remain unchecked.

Why worry so much if you think are supreme and mighty?

Related posts:

Social Segregation, Democracy and The Constitution in Malaysia

Three Viewpoints on Racial Discrimination in Malaysia



Wikipedia - United Malays National Organisation

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Free Outgoing Traffic Tracking Web Tool

For websites and bloggers who are concerned with their web traffic, it has been the norm to analyze the incoming traffic trends using onsite analytical tools or third-party tools. You can see where most of your traffic is coming from, but do you know where your visitors go to next? Do you know what links they click most, possibly indicating a trend or interest in a particular topic?

I've been evaluating this free outgoing traffic tracking service, known as

Bingr's website is efficiently designed and works well. Being written in ASP, I didn't expect it to perform quite fast. The interface is simple and gets things done easily.

For each link in your site that you want to track, you give it a name and its link. Bingr will return you a shortened link to replace the link. With this link, Bingr can track the number of clicks and the country of origin.

For example, I created a link for:

and Bingr gives me this link to use:

To your visitors, they won't see a difference. You can then view a graph of the clicks across time and see the trend of the link. This is very useful for bloggers and website owners who want to understand where their visitors visit next and build on those trends. If they are particularly interested in a news article on crime and public safety, you can then focus your blog on those topics or feature related products and services, such as personal security devices.

You can create as many Bingr links as you like, but each one can be tracked for 30 days.

Give it a try and let me know whether it is useful for you.


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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Released

For those Mozilla Firefox 1.5.x users who are cool with their version and can wait for 2.x to be downloaded automatically, your browser will probably be downloading right now.

This version resolves three bugs and improves the update feature for it to download lean and custom FF 2.0 installation instead of full installer.

FF 1.5 will be supported and updated until April 27 2007. Although most extensions work in FF 2.0, your only reason to stick with FF 1.5 is the themes, unless you can find FF 2.0 versions.

I'm giving one last chance to FF 1.5 not to crash occasionally when I open a link in a new tab...

Meanwhile, let me recommend a really fun extension, called StumbleUpon. It is a social bookmarking service which lets your surf to pages recommended by others. You can share interesting pages that you have visited and give reviews. Pretty useful extension when you have been surfing for eight hours already and can't seen to find any more and will crash and die of fatigue. Check it out using the link below.

Oh, FF and are planned to be released on Dec 14 2006. So, you got some time to really think carefully if you want to move on to FF 2.0. ;)

Related posts:

Mozilla Firefox 2 Web Browser Released

Firefox Into The Sky!


Mozilla Firefox Release Notes

Download Firefox


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Tuesday, November 07, 2006 Template Tip: Render Previous Post Link At Bottom Of Main Page

More experienced bloggers using have been able to put "previous" links to lead visitors to the previous post of their blog. On the main page, there is a fixed number of posts that you can choose to display, usually 3. Some visitors may be reading your main page from top to bottom. Now, besides having to refer to the list of previous posts in the sidebar, how can you provide a link at the end of last post of this main page for the visitors to continue reading?

I have written a bit of JavaScript and code just for this. You just need to copy the following code in the right places of your template and it will render a link to the previous post after the fixed number of posts on the main page.

Copy this chunk to the <head> section, preferably after the bunch of <meta> tags. Replace the number "3" in the line that contains "nMaxPostsOnMainPage" to the fixed number of posts on your main page, if it is not 3.

<script type="text/javascript">
// This JavaScript code created by Teng-Yan Loke
// Date: 7 Nov 2006 1119hrs
// Website:
// E-mail:
var nMaxPostsOnMainPage = 3;
var aPosts = new Array(nMaxPostsOnMainPage + 1);
var n = 0;
if (n <= nMaxPostsOnMainPage)
aPosts[n] = "<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>|<$BlogPreviousItemTitle$>";
n = n + 1;
function writePrevPostOnMainPage()
var sTmp;

sTmp = aPosts[nMaxPostsOnMainPage].split("|");
document.write("<a href=\"" + sTmp[0] + "\">" + sTmp[1] + "</a>");

Place this line just after the </Blogger> tag near the line that has the HTML comment "End #main". If you want to apply any CSS style to the line, specify it in the <div> tag.

<MainPage><div style="">Previous post: <script type="text/javascript">writePrevPostOnMainPage();</script></div></MainPage>

Save the template and publish your site. It should work now.

Note: avoid using "|" in the title of your posts as it is used programmatically in my code.

I can probably expand this code to:
  • display a specified number of previous posts, instead of just one
  • display a dropdown list of previous posts to quickly jump to any post
If you find this template tip useful, please link back to me using this permalink. Thanks!

Update (December 13 2006): I've made some enhancements to this stuff. Click here to see the next post.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Identity Cards, Phone Calls and You

UK's Prime Minister Tony Blair is defending for the nation's plan to have identity (ID) cards for non-EU immigrants from year 2008. Similar ID cards will be compulsory for locals from 2010. Although not considered as a comprehensive solution to combat illegal immigration, welfare fraud, and terrorism, setting up the identity system, known as the National Identity Register, will improve protection and enable effective checks, Blair said.

This news ought to cause a few seat adjustments from the civil rights groups.

The Register may store about 49 types of information, see the link "What data will ID cards store?" below. The most accurate identification tokens that will be recorded will be fingerprints and other biometric information, which I believe will be at least the iris and facial photograph. Multiple-token recognition is statistically accurate, down to the one in hundreds of million odds.

Malaysia and Singapore have both adopted national ID cards for their citizens. The set of data that is contained in the card is similarly large. Fields such as addresses, race, religion, signature, physical attributes, and biometrics are stored; in the case of Malaysia, on a 32KB computer chip. Cards are issued for newborns, and it is an offence not to bear the ID card outside of the citizens' homes (see links below).

The national ID card is meant for bringing products and services to the electronic form of identification for purposes of consumption or access privileges. It is supposed to combat identity forgery and enable effective security checks. At the same time, the card abolishes civil privacy and makes the citizens vulnerable to bribery, identity theft, and breaking laws that were created just for the card system.

Again in these two countries, mobile phone numbers and their interconnections are recorded in a main system that the mobile telcos have to route to. This is a regulation or law of their respective media or communications ministry, created to fight against crimes such as terrorism. Singapore is the first country to implement such a mobile phone call "brokering" system affectionately known as the mobile number portability system, Malaysia is in the pre-implementation stages. All calls that you have made using your mobile phone can be recalled from the system, including pre-paid numbers since these need to be pre-registered with your identity.

Big brother is watching you. Be a good lemming, mate, or don't get caught! :)


BBC News - Blair defends identity card plan

BBC News - What data will ID cards store?

Wikipedia - British national identity card

Wikipedia - MyKad

The Star - NRD (National Registry Department) warns of RM20,000 fine or three years' jail

Singapore Police Force - Information On Police Procedures

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Cell Therapeutics To Suspend Enrollment for PIONEER Drug Trial

Cancer drug developer, Cell Therapeutics (CTIC, financial info), has announced on November 3 2006 that it has suspended further enrollment of test patients for its lung cancer trial, called PIONEER, to analyze the differences in early cycle deaths. The company will need to study the differences of deaths between patients who were administered the trial drug, XYOTAX, and those who were given standard paclitaxel. In addition, as recommended by the Data Safety Monitoring Board, CTIC will continue its treatment for existing patients as per protocol.

CTIC has decided to amend the primary efficacy endpoint of the study according to the recommendations from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The survival results of women with normal estrogen levels will be the target and this protocol change will be submitted to the FDA for approval. This will likely delay the interim analysis results of PIONEER by at least six months.

CTIC traded down 1 cent (0.6 percent) on moderate volume on Friday November 3 2006.

Update November 7 2006 1006hrs:

The stock plunged 13 cents or 7.93% at the end of Monday November 6 2006.

Related posts:

Cell Therapeutics Signs Deal With Norvatis

Cell Therapeutics Up After Positive Xyotax Phase 1 Results

Cell Therapeutics Signs Financing Agreement

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Roomba Rave

Following on to my previous post about one of the most practical technological marvel on the market in recent years, here is an update on my Roomba, from iRobot.

After several months of using Roomba, I find my floors spotlessly clean, both common areas and areas under furniture. For my usage pattern and nature of dirt, I have to empty and clean the dirt bin once a week. More often than the average vacuum cleaner, but worth the benefit of total floor coverage.

Be aware that although this robot is smaller than your average vacuum cleaner, it still has quite a noise level. Baby will find it a bit hard to fall asleep with Roomba wandering around. :) The cause is the powerful motor that creates the vacuum effect in the dirt bin at the back of the unit. Another source of noise is the motor of the side rotating brush. I'm figuring out a way to soften the noise there, but I suspect it will have to be a major overhaul of the motor or having to do without it.

Once I had an awful experience that started by someone in my household who carelessly rinsed the dirt bin with water. Don't do that as the bin contains electronics and the motor for the vacuum function! As I was worried that the electronics would short circuit, I took apart the bin and tried to blow-dry the area using a hot blower. Not being careful enough, the plastic fan driven by the motor started to melt and distort. The fan couldn't turn any more as it was warped. After much twisting and re-melting, I became more experienced in hot modelling and got it back mostly in shape.

There are several places on the underside of Roomba which you can try to oil to reduce friction. This can help prolong the shell life of the machine, keep dirt out, and lower operational noise. The easiest place to apply oil without using tools is at the two axles of the long brushes. They are the round white plastic pieces with square holes in them, shown in the photo on right.

After months of two sessions per day, the first thing that gave way on my Roomba is a section of the hinge that holds one of the two rubber wheels.
A chunk of the hinge cracked, but the wheel is still kept in place by the other side of the hinge. This was probably caused by the metal rail of my sliding glass doors. My machine must have been banging its right wheel in and out of the rail and stressed the structure of it. If you have such a place in your house, take note of it and think of ways to avoid it.

In case you are still undecided on whether you should get one, check out for more reviews and information about Roomba. There is a good review on Roomba which I have been describing, and one on a fairly new model, Scooba. This fancy blue vacuum may just be on my wishlist as it can wash and vacuum hard floors. A little bucket contains the dirty water collected from the floor after washing. It would be so satisfying to see that dirty water!

Related post:

Cleaning The World, One Robot At A Time


Reviews on Roomba

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Child Abuse and Child Murder Cases

Following on the topic of child abuse (see Lau Jun Wei), I found a website called "Parents Behaving Badly", maintained by Jay Andrew Allen. Warning: if you are put off by reading numerous cases of babies and children hurt and killed by their parents and caretakers, carefully consider if you want to visit this site.

Most of the stories show us how foolish and irresponsible people can be when a young life is supposed to be cared for by them. The children are needlessly dragged into these people's fights, disrespectful behaviour, or twisted mentalities. Parents leave their babies in cars. Crying babies are strangled. Kids are starved to death. Parents performing immoral acts with their children. Fathers taking his children's and his own lives.

These people have no love for their children and do not deserve them. These people, known and unknown, must be punished and removed from society. We must not ignore their sad and sickening crimes, and be active in helping prevent future cases from happening.

This is a list of the most significant cases:

Most Mental Parent - Adoptive Mother Guilty of Striking Son, Letting Him Die

Most Violent Mom - Mom Convicted of Killing Baby by Bouncing Him off A Wall

Most Stupid Parent - Baby Drowns in Mom's Vomit Bucket

Most Cold-Blooded Parent - Mom Teaches Teen Daughter The Basics of Burying Dead Babies

Most Negligent Parents - Two Toddlers Scalded to Death

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Mozilla Firefox 2 Web Browser Released

The world's best free web browser has been upgraded to version 2 and released on October 24 2006.

Firefox 2

The list of new features in Firefox:
  • Improved tabbed browsing
  • Spell checking
  • Search suggestions
  • Updated web feeds
  • Identity theft protection
I have used a beta of version 2 before. The major peeve for me is the changes Mozilla made for tabbed browsing. The width of each tab is fixed, which is a benefit as you will be able to read the title of the page all the time. However, this results in tabs that are not able to fit in the width of the browser window and you will not be able to guage the number of tabs that are currently open and not be able to see the next tab that you are about to switch to. Having a button that lists the open tabs doesn't appeal to me because I prefer to use the keyboard (ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab) to navigate them. I suppose there is a key that I can set to change the behaviour of the tabs.

If you happen to accidentally close a tab, Firefox 2 can recall it from the History menu. My favourite add-on, called Session Manager, can save and restore the list of tabs when the browser is restarted, so you can resume your browsing when you turn your computer back on. This also has been integrated in version 2 and is known as Session Restore.

Identity theft, or phishing, protection is a very useful feature. Firefox 2 will warn you when you visit a web site suspected of forgery and is out to maliciously capture your secure information.

Some of Google Toolbar's features have also been integrated natively into Firefox 2. You will find spell checking in forms and search suggestions in the search toolbar in this browser. However, Google Toolbar is still good to have for features such as AutoFill, AutoLink, PageRank, Word Translator and Highlight Search Terms.

Go ahead, get yourself a better web browser. Click on the "Get Firefox with Google Toolbar" or the links below.

Update (30 Oct 2006 1047hrs):

To revert the tab behaviour to pre-version 2.0, type "about:config" in the address bar, press "Enter", look for or create (if it does not exist) the setting "browser.tabs.closeButtons" and set its value to 3, set or create the setting "browser.tabs.tabMinWidth" and set its value to 0, and install this style. For more information on new or upgrade installation issues with Firefox 2, go to this thread in the MozillaZine Forums.


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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Suspects of Lau Jun Wei's Death Charged With Homicide

The Malaysian newspaper, New Straits Times, reported on Oct 19 that the mother of the late Lau Jun Wei and her boyfriend were charged in a Johor Baru court for culpable homicide.

Tan Chew YenTan Chew Yen

Lu Song SengLu Song Seng

The mother, known as Tan Chew Yen, and the boyfriend, known as Lu Song Seng, have been accused of physical and sexual abuse on Jun Wei and ultimately caused his death. If convicted, they can be sentenced to 20 years of jail each. Lu was granted bail, but Tan will be sent to a local hospital for psychiatric evaluation for a month.

Jun Wei's grandmother and the rest of the family are not satisfied with the charges and wants them to be charged with murder instead. Their lawyer will request for an amendment to the charges with the Attorney-General.

Although I would prefer that Tan and Lu be both charged with murder, homicide may be more accurate in this case as they may not have had the intention to kill Jun Wei. They neglected and possibly intentionally caused hurt to Jun Wei, but they may not have desired him to die.

Whether they had the intention to kill, I think it's quite obvious they wanted to hurt Jun Wei. This alone shows that Tan and Lu do not deserve any compassion from the public. Their deeds must be known to everyone as a reminder that many children are abused and we must do all we can to stop similar cases from occurring.

The housemates where Jun Wei lived should also be questioned. They must learn from this that being ignorant about their suspicions prevented them from saving a child's life.

Related post:

Three Year Old Boy Brutally Abused To Death in Malaysia



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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Immediate Benefits When You Stop Smoking

In addition to the "supply" of haze from Indonesia, this is a good article for smokers to read and think about in this season of serious air pollution in Malaysia.

Read healthbolt's article entitled "What Happens to Your body if you stop smoking Right now?" here:


For Chinese-literate folks, here is the Google-translated version:

Immediate Benefits When You Stop Smoking
PS: I'm organizing an elite team of assassins who will be infiltrating Sumatra and disengaging the targets who are responsible for the open burning. Interested parties, please contact me discreetly. Trained and/or experienced personnel preferred. For background reading, please click here.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Three Year Old Boy Brutally Abused To Death in Malaysia

Lau Jun Wei
Lau Jun Wei

On October 5 2006, a close relative of three-year-old Lau Jun Wei and her boyfriend rushed into a doctor's clinic in Taman University, Johor Baru with the boy in their arms no longer breathing. The couple claimed that Jun Wei suffered a fall. The doctor was shocked by the boy's injuries and said she has never seen such a condition in a child in her 21 years of practice. She could not even sleep that night.

There were indications of hot water scalding all over his body. He had injuries at the back of his head, genitals and rectum. Jun Wei's eyes were blue-black. He had marks on his hands and legs suggesting that he was tied up. His buttocks showed that he was repeatedly whipped. Cigarette burns on his thighs were found.

The doctor knew that the boy was already dead and reported the case to the police, suspecting that there was child abuse involved. Johor Baru police has arrested the 22-year-old unemployed woman and her 23-year-old boyfriend for murder investigations. They will be remanded until October 16.

Jun Wei is believed to have lived in a terrible condition. The suspects often lock him up in the room with a little dog while they went out.

Condition of room where Jun Wei was locked in
Condition of room where Jun Wei was locked in

The suspects rented two rooms in a house along Jalan Kebudayaan, Taman University which belongs to the woman's brother-in-law. They have been staying there since three months ago. The parents of the boy seperated and the father is believed to be on the run from loan sharks. However, it seems that the female suspect is actually the mother of Jun Wei.

The suspected couple
The suspected couple

The house was also shared by several other tenants, who suspect something was amiss about the boy but did not do anything about it. They heard the boy crying occasionally and loud thumping sounds after midnight. Jun Wei was seldom out of the room.

Jun Wei used to live in Muar with his paternal uncle since he was born, but the female suspect took him away five months ago. Before that, Jun Wei was described as a cheerful and outgoing boy. The uncle met up with Jun Wei three months later and noticed that he was very quiet.

The post-mortem report released on October 6 showed that several major blows to the back of Jun Wei's skull inflicted a few days ago caused massive internal bleeding. Thus, blue-black marks around his eyes appeared. He could have gone into a coma before he was rushed to the clinic.

Jun Wei's body was released to his grandmother and uncle from Muar. The grandmother was weeping as she said she last saw Jun Wei two months ago. She said she kissed him on the forehead and asked if he was alright and he started to cry. Had she realized that there was something wrong with Jun Wei, she would have kept him away from the place of horror in Taman Univerisiti.

Vijayakumari Pillai of Kajang wrote to the New Straits Times on October 9 2006, imploring the authorities to charge the family members, as accorded by Section 28 of the Child Act 2001. It states that if any member of the family or guardian of a child who believes on reasonable grounds that the child is abused, neglected or abandoned, shall immediately inform a protector. Failure to comply is classified as an offence.

A member of the family includes the parents, guardian, and household members, who reside in the same household as the child.

Pillai feels that this law is not given enough publicity and that "the public should be made aware of the consequences of such apathy".

Public apathy is one of the culprits in this case, along with many other social problems in this country. Family members and neighbours should have been pro-active in their suspicions and protect the child. There is hardly any excuse for these parties to not notice a problem in the boy as the symptoms and lack of proper care are obvious to see.

If you know of a child who is suffering from abuse or neglect, please take action and deal with the child's caretaker.

The laws protecting children should be given more publicity and the courts must exercise the full extent of the law to punish the culprits.

New parents and newly-wed couples should be given adequate education and counselling on the responsibilities of having children. They should be made to realize how important and delicate care should be given to raising children and not dive into parenthood without proper consideration and practical planning.

The Government should take an active role in providing child welfare services, much like the United States. Child Protective Services (CPS) should be adopted to protect children from abuse and neglect. There must be an avenue for socially-responsible people to be employed or volunteer themselves to serve the needs of CPS. Click here for an example of what CPS does.

The Department of Social Welfare and the Malaysian Association for the Protection of Children are two organizations which can help reduce child abuse cases. The president of the second one, Mohd. Sham Kasim, can be contacted at

Further reading on child welfare in Malaysia:

Implementation of Article 12 in Juvenile Justice System in Malaysia

Progress and Challenges in Human Development in Malaysia: Ideas for the Ninth Malaysia Plan

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Three Viewpoints on Racial Discrimination in Malaysia

Jeff Ooi of Screenshots referenced two views on the issue of racial discrimination in Malaysia on 21 Sep 2006. I add, in part, my own below.

First View

Reuters reported Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak responding to ex-Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew's criticism of mistreatment of the Malaysian Chinese people.

Lee expressed in a forum last week that Singapore should stand up to its bigger neighbours, Malaysia and Singapore, which are affected from this issue. He said "Our neighbours both have problems with their Chinese. They are successful. They are hard-working and therefore they are systemically marginalised."

Najib responded by declaring that "Malaysia does not practise a policy of blocking opportunities for non-bumiputras to progress further. It's a comment that we can do without. It is not appreciated at all."

Second View

A Malaysian academic living in London, Sathia Varqa, presented a paper entitled "Positive Discrimination in Malaysia: Should we continue to favour the Malays?" on 21 Sep 2006.

In the paper, Varqa says that although Malaysia is generally known as a harmonious multi-racial society, the single discrimination of people by race has been and will be a "deep danger" to the success and stability of the country. Moreover, it is known the priority and benefits bestowed on the single group have been regularly brought to the media spotlight but has hardly been challenged or justified.

Varqa states three effects of such classification in the Malaysian society:
  • Creates partiality towards the racial group in commercial, political, and civil applications leading to corruption and unfair competition
  • Encourages negative behavioural ethics in the racial group in areas of work and social life resulting in lower market competitiveness, personal living standards and external stereotyping of such behaviour
  • Digresses actual need to tackle issues that concern all Malaysians such as the education system, transport system, environmental care, quality of basic amenities, crime control, corporate and government corruption, social responsibility and etiquettes, national pride and patriotism
Varqa charges the need for all Malaysians "to be bolder in our argument and constructive in our reasoning."

My View

Malaysia and Indonesia are not the only countries suffering from racial discrimination. Many other countries have it, less choose to positively deal with it than desired. I can recommend a few good optometrists to Najib. Lee's statement that the Chinese are compartmentalized because they are hardworking is not accurate; rather the Chinese stand out from the preferred racial group as a result of their attitude. It could have been, and very likely is, true if the hardworking people are not the Chinese, but the Indians or other races.

There are policies put in place to allow any or better opportunities to the Malays, and then there are policies that are in response to "adjustments" or "moderation" necessary to be made. Such moves do not serve to level criteria or privileges, by the way.

Students have seen many times when their well-earned education results do not give them even the chance to apply for scholarships. For those who do obtain them, it is often seen that the preferred group have not and do not perform as well in the subsidized programmes.

Businesses have been forced to conform to procedures that are obviously unnecessary to their business objectives in the country. When that is done, they then often have to provide favours to the preferred group in order to sustain or expand their economies. Think of the various business and government services and departments companies have to face regularly and there won't be a need to state names here.

Malaysia is a country and in a region where all areas of growth are needed. To the north, Thailand has been an upcoming regional export market and Singapore in the south is by no little means one of the best examples of a mature and stable society. In the former Prime Minister Mahathir's era of economic growth, there is obviously a strong desire to excel as a country among its peers.

Malaysians cannot compete among and build themselves (with good conscience and pride) and on the global arena progressively if this internal issue is not tackled at its reins and has no action taken to resolve it.

Malaysia National FlagHow does the national education quality benchmark appear when the standards are so skewed and many students are not earnestly taking advantage of their privileges? Will companies prosper or even maintain their bottom lines when they have to constantly deal with unrelated bureaucracy, corruption and unfair practices in the country? Can all the different races really live together peacefully when the physical landscape is full of partiality in terms of the law, policies and culture? How long does it take for the "Bumiputra" system to mature and justify its goals are met?

Until I can think of more to say on this serious but sorely ignored issue, I leave you with these lines.

"If discrimination based on race is constitutionally permissible when those who hold the reins can come up with 'compelling' reasons to justify it, then constitutional guarantees acquire an accordionlike quality." - William Orville Douglas

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

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Richard Branson Pledges US$3B Over Ten Years

It seems to be the year of personal philanthropy and environmental awareness wakeup.

Sir Richard Branson, owner of the global Virgin empire, has decided to invest up to US$3B over the next decade to aid fighting global warming. This amount is contributed entirely from Branson's airline and rail businesses. He was convinced of the urgent need for environmental reform after a home visit from former US vice president Al Gore.

The generous offer was made during this years Clinton Global Initiative and exceeds the combined contributions from last year's event and the other parties this year. However, since last year's transport revenues of the flamboyant businessman accounted for only US$171M, Branson will raise funds externally or cough the remainder out from somewhere by the end of the ten years.

Some initiatives that the funds will be helping in are to research on environmentally friendly airline fuel and using enzymes to make ethanol and butanol.

Branson's charity may have a commercial benefit as well. With plans to expand his Virgin Atlantic by ten percent and into the American market, such a move may help reduce the cost involved in controlling the carbon emissions from the planes as required by law in the near future.

A daring but smart effort by Branson, to possibly reduce pollution costs from his businesses while generating a consumer influence in favour of environmental care. But then again, he has said recently that in thiry years Virgin will be known for its good deeds in the global community than the strong consumer branding his group is so famous for.

Well, what can I say. As long as these guys help to sustain the Earth a bit more, I'm hopeful my family and I can survive till our restful ends.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cell Therapeutics Signs Deal With Norvatis

Cell Therapeutics (CTIC) has signed a worldwide licensing deal with Norvartis worth US$285M. This agreement will see Norvatis assisting in the development and commercialisation of Cell Therapeutics' flagship drug, XYOTAX. The amount includes US$15M equity investment in the drug development company as well.

Cell Therapeutics traded up 13 cents or 6.67% on Monday to $2.08.

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm Live

I've migrated both and to a spanking new paid host: and


Initially there has been problems with FTP publishing to from Blogger, which was fixed by using Microsoft Internet Explorer and changing from hostname to IP for the ftp server. I'm not sure which one helped but now I'm facing another problem which I hope this post will fix. Images are still hosted on and referenced from Blogger, but they are supposed to be transferred over to my host along with the HTML files. Let's see how this goes.

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Friday, September 15, 2006

lokety 2.0

After more than ten years on the World Wide Web, my web sites are going to be commercially hosted.

Watch out for it!





And some exciting new ones too...

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Cell Therapeutics Up After Positive Xyotax Phase 1 Results

Cell Therapeutics stock was up after positive results from 91 percent target achievement rate was reported in the August issue of the American Journal of Clinical Oncology. Twelve patients with esophageal or gastric cancer has been tested with the cancer drug Xyotax.

Dr. Howard Safran of Brown University says that Xyotax may "replace paclitaxel as the most important radiation sensitizer in solid tumors". If this is true, we may see a future without the need for or less side effects from chemotherapy drugs.

CTIC closed $1.61 on Thursday 24 August 2006.

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Stop The Burning You Imbecilic Farmers!

Late last month, I started having a itchy throat with phlegm that refused to go. A week later, I went to full blown fever for three days and a nest full of what I call "Bobs", ulcers at the back of my throat. It was so painful just doing nothing, much less swallow, drink or eat. They were killing my appetite, work, weight and social health, hanging in there around my large tonsils. It has been one of the worst medical problems that are non-major/terminal, I kid you not.

The pain persisted for two weeks, after bags of antibiotics, boxes of Strepsils, and one bottle of Oradet antiseptic mouthwash. I could drink water and eat normally, but I reckoned I lost 2 kg. I also wasted time with my son and wife, not being able to communicate well with them.

This is not mine, but I had six or more of these about half the size of this one.

Guess what, one Bob came back this week. fR^)@*&+(UFJ# J-($J )FR)@(*&$*(!8&R(F!!

I've seen my colleagues, friends and family, from babies to elderly, all down with coughs, flus and headaches.

The main cause of all this pain and sorrow is the brainless burning of plots of land by farmers in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for planting of new crops every Q3 of the year. What they are not concerned with are their own health, millions of others' health, visibility of transport systems, overburning into property and innocent lives, and global warming!

You can literally smell it in the air and see the haze and smoke all over the landscape. Air flights are affected. Cars, buildings, flora and animals are affected. Our blatant lack of care for the environment by means of vehicle emissions and dumping of rubbish is not helping either.

Do your bit and voice out your concerns and rights for clean air at the Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia. On its website, it says that "complaints pertaining to the environmental pollutions can be made via mail, phone-call or submitted directly to the relevant Department of Environment State Office's".


The complaints line is +60-3-88891972.

Meanwhile, please practice personal hygiene and care for the environment. Make an active effort to constantly think of ways to reduce pollution and spread the news on the effects and solutions for pollution. Keep your kids and yourselves indoors as often as possible, ensure your vehicles do not emit too much smoke (don't smoke too!), stop open and uncontrolled burning! Earth will not last long if we are to keep our current ways of life and attitudes.

Due to this season of stupidity and heartlessness of these farmers, I've taken an active interest in health products that may help combat the air pollution. Air ionizers emit negative ions into the air which can trap or deactivate air pollutants including smoke and dust, leaving the area with clean air. With this kind of device, I don't even have to open windows for "fresh air" to come in, because the processed air inside is even cleaner than outside!

This ionizer, called MedKlinn, is able to produce lots of negative ions into a room without side effects such as "black wall" and needs no major maintenance and replacing of parts. I've started using it and I think we are enjoying some effects already. Go look for it, or any other ionizer, and read the brochures to understand more.


The next place I intend to ionize is the car cabin. More on this in the next blog entry or so.

Curse you irresponsible farmers!!!

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