Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Know the World

When the first CD-ROM drives came out for the PC, a world of multimedia opportunities opened up. 600MB of storage was very interesting and promising, especially at the time when typical hard disk drives were about 200MB in size.

One of the most academically sound title I had was the World Book Encyclopedia published by IBM. As I grew up with a hardback range of encyclopedias at my disposal, I reckoned this CD-ROM would be a good learning tool for myself and my younger brother.

Twenty years later, the Internet has again given us the chance to enjoy a Good Thing once in a while. This is known as the Wikipedia.

Offered in various languages, this self-maintaining website contains over a million articles on many subjects around the world. Access to the articles is free and the content is provided, maintained, edited, and quality controlled by contributors and volunteer publishers. These are some of the topics covered:
  • History
  • Science
  • Politics
  • Geography
  • Technology
  • Current Events
  • Entertainment
The great thing about Wikipedia is that the wealth of information available is unlimited, open and easily accessible. This is one of the few examples of the benefits of the electronic world that exist today.

I hope all our children will be able to study from such valuable sources and fill their minds with useful information that can enrich their lives.

If you agree with my views, support Wikipedia by promoting it to your friends and loved ones. Then, make yourself feel good by contributing in the running costs of Wikipedia. It is worth it; I did.


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