Network marketing is a powerful and fast way to gain exposure to a product or service. Using a hierarchical network of referrals, people can quickly spread the news of the product or service.
Now imagine the same kind of system for blogs.
This is what BlogRush is designed for. When you create an account with BlogRush and set up a widget on your blogs, fellow blog owners who sign up with BlogRush under you contribute to your own reach in the blogosphere. Each widget impression in your blogs and those under you give you credit, which in turn gives you more traffic to your blogs by means of widget links in other related blogs. The effect of impressions ripples down ten generations below you, each lower one with less impression-to-credit ratio than the previous level.
Take a look at the widget in this blog along the sidebar. These links are contextually selected by the system to be relevant to this blog. Each impression here earns me a link in some other blog's BlogRush widget.
Thus, your blogs gains exposure exponentially as your downline (a popular term in network marketing) grows both horizontally and vertically. It also adds value to your blogs as it gives more options for your readers as to what other related content may be available elsewhere.
One suggestion for the BlogRush folks: allow us to customize the design and size of the widget. Thanks!
See your blogs' traffic grow by signing up with BlogRush today. If you choose "News & Media" or "Technology" as the type of blog you own, I may be pushing a new source of readers and traffic to your blog very soon!
Technorati Tags: blog, network marketing, blogrush, blog traffic, increase traffic, promote blog, blog syndication
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